
Rice pump Meadows Settler

Gourmet rice Prados del Colono has exceptional organoleptic features for the Mediterranean kitchen, especially for Paellas and rissotos, great absorbent rice due to its porosity rice grain.

Prados del Colono gourmet rice is special because of the process of maturity, much slower than in areas close to the sea, that gives different and quality features in its taste. The lands where it is cultivated have a high salinity properties and they are rich in nutrients. Finally, our enormous care and affection we water it with makes our special product.

 - Extra Quality category.

- High porosity and very absorbent grain. It absorbes a large quantity of liquid when it is cooked (1/3 portion)
- It remains loose when it is cooked.
- It never overcooks
- Food without additives and preservatives.
- It is not mixed with other varieties of grain. Entire grain to preserve its cooking features. 
- Exclusive rice produced within Prados del Colono lands. All the production process is controlled by us. 
- Vacuum packed in order not to lose its properties neither its particular taste.
- Commercialised and marketed in 1 kg vaacum packed.